• May 15, 2024

How to Prevent Men's Gym Clothes From Smelling?

You must have heard, "Sweat is just fat crying," So far, it is accurate in terms of gaining muscles and losing fat. After a workout, you shower and freshen up, but did you realize the body odor in your gym clothes? This can be pungent, embarrassing, etc., probably not for you but for others. You may wash your gym t-shirt, but you may not get rid of the smell. Considering this irking thing, the most common query stands, "How to keep gym clothes fresh?" So, neither you nor others get displeased.

Why to stink? Isn't it better to unlock the hidden hacks to get rid of smelling issues out of the men's gym wear? Below are some of them; kindly take note:


Submerge your gym wear in Vinegar

Vinegar helps to break down oils and neutralize bacteria. Soaking men's gym clothes in vinegar will definitely remove bacteria, body odor, and unpleasant smells. You can try adding a cup of baking soda, one cup of vinegar, and detergent. 

However, this does not mean you will add plenty of vinegar to your laundry to get rid of the smell; this may break down elastic fibers or make the garment unwearable. Thus, it is always recommended to add it when necessary to keep your garments in perfect condition. 


Treat them with a suitable detergent

Common detergents are used in every household to eradicate dirt, smell, etc., but removing smelling body odor with the same detergent is quite challenging. That may get rid of dirt but may not with its smell. Thus, you must always prefer a cleanser that removes sweat, etc.  

According to experts, you must always avoid fabric softeners, which trap bacteria and wear down gym attire. 


Don't underestimate the Sun

Don't you think natural resources are far more than using artificial or man-made products? Of course yes. However, you can rely only on natural products to remove the existing smell of men's gym wear. 

When you wash your gym wear, you should immediately hang it on a rope under the sunlight so every smell, etc., can fade away. Thus, before you hit the road, by keeping the washed clothes in your wardrobe, you must soak them. 


Pick the Right Clothing Stuff

The right selection of fabric can help you exercise effectively. You can also wash or soak them without wearing them down.  It is highly recommended to avoid synthetic fabric material because the smell remains in them and does not go away. 

If you are keen on brand clothes, you can ask the salesperson to brief you on the concerned gym wear product, and accordingly, you can purchase it. Ensure that you wash and hang them under sunlight so every dirt and smell can disappear.  


Wash after working out

Suppose you grappled to complete all the exercises, running, etc., and when you got home, showered but did not wash your gym wear with the thought of doing it later. Thus, you must not leave it for later and wash them immediately. With this, you can prevent the sweat, oil, etc., to be penetrated in that fibre that can make your gym wear stinky. 


Understand why gym wear smells even post-laundry?

You must be wondering why the smell does not go away after submerging your gym wear. There is not only a particular reason but also reasons. One should also be aware of causes and then solutions to them. Thus, below are some of the leading causes you can know; please have a look:

  • Bacteria, Sweat, and Body Oils--- When you exercise, sweat is discharged out of your body, carrying bacteria stuck inside the gym. Thus, to avoid it, one must purchase specifically stitched items for the workout. 

  • Upgraded Synthetic Fabrics--- Today's activewear is stitched to wick moisture off the body so it can dry quickly. These do not absorb the sweat but also body oil, becoming the primary reason for body odor. Thus, by purchasing items built precisely for the gym, exercise can easily release the absorbed sweat. 

  • Poor Detergent---- Some traditional detergents are made for daily-use fabrics, they are helpful in removing dirt out of it but do not penetrate these synthetics. Thus, using these traditional detergents to vanish such wear may wear down them.